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Wedding updates

Nikah legal stuff:
Finally i finished all the legal stuff...gila panjang our step..1st to jais, and then to angkasa KJ and then back to jais again, and then to JAWI and finally to tok Kadi...I really don't understand why they make it so hard..URGH...i have so many bad things to say along the process, but its just a waste of time..right..

Alhamdulillah i found an amazing upcoming videgrapher ...very happy alhamdulillah..hopefully the final product will be just as i aspect it...inshaAllah..

Went to my fitting 2 weeks ago..heheh..alhamdulillah I'm so happy..can't wait to see it again in 3 weeks..this time i hope i wont forget to take pics..

my most pening thing of all...i'm contemplating between the two..each has its pros and cons..i need my mummy to help..hehehe.......
1) is so cantik but mahal sikit
2) is slightly cheaper but not as nice..
so which one should i take?? but both guys are equally baik and has good reputations...

Booked, but menu has not been finalise...finally they agreed to meet me tmwr...

ordered, waiting for them to deliver it at my house..should be by this week...hmm...why no news from them??

i made 2 cards..one for family to come for the akad..1 if for my friends to come after the akad inshaAllah...i did one of my cards from ilikecard...heheh..from the sample its so pretty..cant wait for it to sampai my house...she posted them yesterday...

i cant wait for Merisik Gallery to make it...from our end we decided to give a ring, sejadah, cake, chocolate and 1 persalinan...

all settled

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