when they called to say its ready, I so harassed habib to pick it up asap..so we went the next day...
once we settled the diamond, i was still very keen on a yellow gold casing, carik2 the couldn't find the one the design i wanted...kena re size...seeing that its going to be my nikah ring, i was not so keen on getting it re sized..i wanted it just as it is...the one that didn't need resizing, the prongs arrangement couldn't fit the diamond that we choose...
after a few minutes she came and said ok i have something else that's better but its not what u had in mind though..she showed me the casing no 2, ..but somehow it is secretly exactly what i had in mind..it has a solid band with 4 prongs..plus the casing fit my diamond perfectly.....
guess what???I finally choose a white gold casing..hehe..it looks something like this...pic taken from google of course..hhehee

its so cantik...its alot nicer that i thought it would be...simple and classic...hehe..timeless...
remember this post when i said i was going to go for yellow gold...i guess takda rezeki right..perhaps next time...
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