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A reminder of life....how a split second can change everything..

Yesterday, the day after I arrived home from Aussie ( i will upload pics after this entry), my Brother in-law had a call from his mum saying that his grandma dah nazak, so he rushed from work head straight to Johor....my sis couldn't follow coz she is heavily pregnant (due next month inshaAllah)...otw at KM 192, he lost control of the car and skidded and the car over turned (terbalik) and langgar the railing kat middle of the highway..railing penetrated through the car and missed my brother by inches...

MashaAllah because airbag came out + he was wearing the seat belt + he made doa before & during the journey, he survived....he called my sis straight away, she called all of us..me and my mum rushed to melaka jasin balai polis...he was waiting there...when i first saw him I nak nangis to see him, but i had to be strong ( all this reminded me of the 2 accidents last year where i lost 2 friends, one of them was one of my closest bestfriend, this 2 accidents made me realise that i should become a better Muslim because life is really not that long, and we never know when our ajal is...)...his eye had bleeding from the impact of the airbag+crash+sunglasses he was wearing....he had scratches here and there...nasib baik the polis at jasin very baik...called tokio marine and the settled the tow truck to bring the car back to KL...while we were at the police station, got a call saying the grandma passed away....from Allah swt we are from and to Allah SWT we return....may Allah SWT forgive all her sins and make her amongst Muslims in Jannah...Ameen

as for us, we rushed back took my brother to damansara specialist...eye specialist checked his eye and neurosurgeon check his brain...alhamdulillah all is good, eye will take a month to heal...brain will take 1 week to settle down ( he feels like nak muntah, dr said because the brain was shaken to much by the overturning of the car))...the only thing is his neck fractured sikit from the impact...so now he is on a neck brace...but inshaAllah all wound will heal...just every now and then, he will feel the pain...

our car was a total lost..memang takda harapan nak repair...
mama looking at the damage,but its more important that my brother is ok..

The only small problem we had was with insurance because the car is under my dads name..but after they called my dad and settled everything, alhamdulillah all good esp because my brother was driving within the speed limit...because of the maximum insurance and that the car is fully paid, all claims inshaAllah will go smoothly...now they have to think of what new car to buy, all of us of course said, just get another japanese car again...
all I can say is I shukur Allah SWT spared his life for my sister, my nephew and future niece coming in October(inshaAllah)..
reminder to everyone, please drive safely, i know its not cool to follow the rules, but it prevents us from accidents...inshaAllah...get maximum insurance and take loan the shortest time u can afford......

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