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Styling Your Hijab To Suit Your Face Shape

Usually, the face shape that hair dressers try to achieve with various cuts and styles is the oval shape as this is considered to be the most flattering. As a general rule, people blessed with a naturally oval shape usually suit most hair styles. You’re probably wondering why on earth I’m going on about hair styles and not hijab styles, well, because these rules can be applied to the hijab. First you need to discover the shape of your face:

Using a flexible tape measure, make the following measurements and write down the results:

1. Across your forehead at the widest place, about half way between your eyebrows and your hairline
2. Across your cheeks from the edge of one cheekbone to the edge of the other
3. Around your jawline, between where it’s widest on each side
4. From our top hairline to the tip of your chin

Then compare those numbers.
The most common face shapes are:

Round: Approximately as wide as it is long
Oval: Greater length than width
Long: Length is 1½ times the width
Square: Equally wide at the forehead, cheeks and jaw

Here are some tips and tricks I put together for hijab styles for round, long and square face shapes. I haven't done one for oval because most styles suit this shape, even al amiras.

First, the square with an equally wide forehead, cheeks and jaw:

Next the round face, with rounded cheeks and chin and equally wide as it is long:

Lastly, tips for the long, thin face where the length is about one and a half times the width:

I hope these help! If you have any face-shape tips, feel free to post them in the comments.

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