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wedding shoes to give away

salam all...

remember this post i did on my wedding shoes??

well finally i'm uploading the picture here, just to share with readers on the shoes i wore masa my wedding

anyway i was thinking of giving the shoes away for absolutely free to a lucky reader...yes you got me right, absolutely free, as long as your kaki muat shoes size 5....and you larat wear 4 inch heels...

but before that i have to inform, i wore the shoes the whole day masa wedding, and we did outdoor photoshoot as well, so it's not completely in a brand new condition....but it still looks good....

for anybody who is interested all you have to do is e-mail to me and tell why u deserve the shoes less than 200 words k..hehehe nanti penat nak baca...the most touching story that captures my heart will get the shoe..inshaAllah... ...please email me the story to sabsabby@gmail.com by 30th NOV 2010.


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